I don't think we realise that beneath all of the Jungian language Jordan Peterson is simply a humanist. And philosophical humanism is insufficient to most humans, which is why a reaction is taking place (the anti humanist 'woke' left).
An antidote (Jordan) rises in our culture, restoring a lot of sanity as he goes. But we're entering a new phase where he's seen as a truth arbiter and a religious authority. Ultimately this will fail because it doesn't address the problems people have with humanism. It simply points out the problems with antihumanism.
As a huge fan of JBP and someone who will likely never rise to similar fame, competence or impact, I'm sad to say that the valorisation of him as a faith or truth guru is dangerous.
Just as the attacks on him are viscious, unfounded, shallow and often ad-hominem, the idolisation of him as the truth source is short sighted and just incorrect. I suspect even JBP himself would not want to be seen as such an arbiter of the truth, let alone the Christian understanding of The Truth.
I hope he continues to impact our world for the better and his success continues to grow but I also hope we don't fall for the false image that others are building of him.
He most closely aligns with philosophical humanism. Given the invasion of post-modern antihumanist ("woke") culture, it makes sense why we enjoy, and perhaps need, his new brand of humanism (which emphasises the agency of human beings and places them as the genesis for moral inquiry).
But there are still a few of us who - whilst rejecting the new woke antihumanism all around us - also see the flaws in humanism and why it is being rejected, and don't want to return to it.
Secular humanism in particular never satisfied a clearly religious impulse in humans. We are now seeing that impulse manifest in religious-like behaviour in [parts of] climate change, cancel culture, covid masking/vaxxing, culture wars, collectivism, academia, media and politics.
Jordan is correct that humanity is in someway searching for 'salvation' from a reality that we all know is not quite right.
- Technocrats see it in technology and collectivism.
- Libertarians see it in various forms of secession.
- The religious see it explicitly written in their holy texts.
- The vestigially religious (the mainstream right wing in Australia) see it in deontology and cultural myth.
- Collectivists (very common in Australia) see it in solidarity and teleology.
Hedonists (very common in Gen Y/Z) see it in feelings and experiences.
So it is clear to me that those who completely turn their lives around thanks to JBP (there are many) will find themselves ultimately unsatisfied without something deeper to cling to that is external to themselves, their culture, and their universe.
JBP is extraordinary and much needed. He has improved my life too.
But he does not actually speak about 'TRUTH' as we actually need to find it, if we are to navigate what looks to be a messy future for #TeamHuman.
Woke leftist: 'it's MY truth'/'there are many truths'
JBP: 'Truth is independent of you, and exists out there in the universe, and if you look inside yourself deep enough you will find the confirmation of that truth'